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Global Learning Courses

Fall 2018

Rel 3492: Earth Ethics

This course was incredibly interesting because it focused our attention on how we are treating the planet that we are currently living on, we tried to find alternative to energy as well as what are the first steps into creating reform. We should not just conquer the world, but live along with it peacefully.

Fall 2018

ANT 3241: Myth, Ritual, Mysticism

In this course we learned about many different religions and traditions in other parts of the world, we spent an extensive amount of time researching voodoo as well as the Muslim region, we learned that there are countless beliefs other than our own and that we need to respect equally, no matter how different they are.

Summer 2019

JPN 3955: Foreign Study: Japan

The Japan study abroad program was one of the highlights of my entire experience at FIU, we stayed in the city of Beppu which was in Oita, a southern prefecture within Japan. I spent two weeks at the university learning about Japanese business cultures and traditions; then spent another two weeks in Beppu where i had the opportunity to teach and take care of children. The entire experience was incredibly humbling and something that i will take with me for the rest of my life.

Spring 2019

PHI 3640: Environmental Ethics

This was one of my favorite philosophy classes that i have taken, not only because it was interesting; but that it was incredibly practical. We also examined how many technological advanced we have made based on the ideas we gather from other cultures and animals. Most of the theories we spoke of could be translated into our lives so that we may live more contentiously.

Global Learning Courses: Experience

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